Mesegos / Meixigos

Investigación de xenealoxías
Mensajes: 25
Registrado: 24 Dic 2007, 03:23

Mesegos / Meixigos

Mensaje por riazorblues »

I apologise for not writing this is spanish or galician but my knowledge of these languages are very limited. My surname is Cortés and my father emigrated to the uk in the 60's. My family name comes from Abegondo and so far I have traced back to the 1740's to a parish of Santa Eulalia de Cañás in Carral. One of the surnames of my ancestor was Mesegos or also spelt Meixigos. Her bname was Maria Mesegos/Meixigos de Barbeito. I cannot seem to find any information about this surname and there does only seem to be a handful of people with this name. Does any one have any information? Also please look at Familia Cortés theme for any help or information on my family tree.